A belated welcome to 2025 – and I hope that your year has launched in spectacular fashion! Our team has been hitting it hard over the last couple months and here is what’s presently happening on the SHAB Squad.
The third single from my imminent new double album, SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST, was released at the end of January in both audio & official video formats (and after we had to tone down the visuals when some of the video streaming platforms said that it was a bit too spicy!). One of the first platforms to release a review called this track “addictive, uplifting and … a no-skip addition to your February music rotation” while another said “SHAB has delivered her most infectious track yet, urgently demanding the attention of anyone who listens.” And the song has been added to one of Apple Music’s premier playlists, New In Pop.
It’s been quite some time since my last album effort, but on February 12th we released ONE SUITCASE – a double album of 21 songs that have been a labor of love over the last 18 months. On ONE SUITCASE, I not only worked with my longtime producer and songwriting partner Damon Sharpe but also an all-star cast of producers and songwriters, including the legendary Dallas Austin, British-American hitmaker JHart, Eric Zayne, Naz Tokio, Roccstar and Remi Rafael among others.
ONE SUITCASE was a labor of love that was my lifetime in the making: and stands as a chronicle of my escape from fundamentalist oppression in Iran and adapting to the liberties, freedom and sensibilities of the West. It is also my Love Letter to those here in my adopted American homeland who have taught me so much about freedom, choice, resilience, compassion and independent womanhood.
Check out the album as I am pretty sure that you are going to be floored: as that has been the general reaction of almost everyone who has had an advance listen!
Finally, the fourth release from ONE SUITCASE, DIRTY, will drop at the beginning of March. The official video for DIRTY – formulated by my HyperTalented Creative Co-Directors Eli Sokhn & Richy Jackson – is going to be a slapstick exercise with cool alleyway dance breaks and cakefights between my dancers and yours truly. (Believe me, you did not want to have to help clean up the production set after the shoot was completed!)
2025 PLANS
We have added a page to my website titled BrainTrust so that you can see the leadership of my SHAB Squad-- and we soon will have another update in several weeks’ time when you’ll learn about the rest of my plans for 2025, including:
a new jumpsuit line (can you say DropTrou?)
new music and video releases and
hopefully, my long awaited 2025 touring plans.
All of us on the SHAB Squad hope that you & your loved ones are safe and sound. And continue to pray that Our Creator brings peace back to our tumultuous world!